Hi, I’m Ryan!
With a passion for storytelling, a strategic mindset, and three years of agency experience, I specialize in bringing creative visions to life from concept to execution. Whether crafting ad campaigns through TV, digital, or mail, my focus is on captivating audiences and driving real impact.
Samples of my work are featured below.
Case Study: Shaun Scott
The Challenge: Shaun needed this commercial to reach and connect with busy, downtown Seattle progressives. He only had an $8,000 total budget, including for production and placement
My Approach: For the script, I went with a fast-paced 15-second spot that highlighted all the key points that would matter to Shaun’s target audience. I wanted to use an easily-identifiable park as the setting, which would make him seem more friendly and personable, and ask a well-spoken friend of his to deliver the lines so his name could be said multiple times.
Results: Shaun’s digital ad campaign was seen by nearly 45k houses over the three weeks it was on air, helping him win his race by 27k votes. He also posted this on social media, which recieved high engagement and very positive feedback.
Case Study: Chelsea Dimas
The Challenge: Chelsea was running in a district in rural Central WA with a majority Hispanic population. She needed a commercial to show her fun personality and excite her supporter base.
My Approach: Centering the community was a major emphasis of Chelsea’s, so I wanted that to be reflected in the b-roll shots, with many locations around her farming town and community members. We included some Spanish phrases interwoven in the script as well, with fun background music and colorful captions to match her personality.
Results: Chelsea and her community loved this spot, which we placed on digital and TV. Her ad campaign got 1M+ views while live with a great video completion rate.
Direct Mail
I drafted the copy for these and worked closely with a designer to align them with my creative vision. Each was sent to thousands of households, and the candidates received consistently positive feedback from voters about them.
Case Study: Victoria Hunt
The Assignment: Victoria was in a very competitive swing district against an anti-choice opponent and needed an ad campaign that both revealed her opponent’s views and promoted her local experience. To do all that, she had only $17,000 and a few days to get on air.
My Approach: I suggested doing two :30 spots, with one that highlighted the contrast between Victoria and her opponent and one that focused on how she’s involved in her community. For the contrast spot, I believed having a mom at home saying the lines made it feel more impactful, as well as making it a clear difference in tone between the candidates. In the biography spot, I thought doing something more nature-focused would be the right setting, given Victoria’s career as an environmental scientist, and I made sure we got shots of her around the city with a diverse group of residents.
Results: With data-driven targeting towards women and independent voters, these spots were shown with a high frequency of 23 to 20k households in her district, helping secure her victory.
Social Media Infographics
I created all of the below designs for various social media platforms and accounts. This featured graphic got more than 160 likes and was the most-liked post at the time.